Each Youth Service Bureau is required, by regulation, to have an advisory board of at least seven members to advise and make recommendations on policy and program direction for the bureau. This advisory board represents a cross section of the community, including representatives of the public school system, the police department, a private youth serving agency (if applicable), and at least one youth under 21 years of age.
- advise and make recommendations to the Bureau on overall policy and program direction for the Bureau.
- be responsible for the evaluation, planning, coordinating, and implementation of prevention and treatment services for delinquent, pre-delinquent, and troubled youth.
- be responsible for the provision of opportunity for youth to develop positively and to function as responsible members of the community.
Meetings are held the 2nd Thursday of each month,
(except January & February and July & August)
the Montville Community Center
Public Welcome
Board Members
Daniel Dunn- Chairman
Service Consumer
Off. Karen Aleshire
Police Officer
Vouise Fonville
Service Consumer
William Carlos
Service Consumer
Brianne Messer
Service Consumer
Micah Messer
Susan Rickards
Service Consumer
Tim Shanahan
BOE Representative
Dan Boisvert
Co Chairman
Loretta Drain
DCF Representative
Josie English & Adam Sheridan
Youth Representatives
Nick Sabilia
Town Council Liaison
If you are interested in joining the Advisory Board, please contact Barbara.